Dr. Nita’s Crash Course for Women: Better Sex, Better Health, Better You— the health and well-being resource every woman needs and deserves is available now
Many women aren’t enjoying womanhood — they’re tolerating it and don’t realize how much healthier and happier they could be. For those women — in fact, for all women— ob-gyn Dr. Nita Landry presents the best wellness guide to come along in decades. With a winning combination of straight talk and science savvy, Dr. Nita’s frank, health-forward book will empower you to:
- Ditch fundamental misunderstandings about female anatomy and enjoy a healthy, happy sex life
- Find the right doctor and ask the right questions
- Stay on top of breast and gynecological cancer screening and prevention
- Deal with reproductive concerns
- Clear confusion about period problems, sexually transmitted infections, orgasms, and hush-hush female issues like leaky bladders
With Dr. Nita’s expertise and guidance, you’ll discover better sex, better health, and a better you.
"I will highly recommend this book! As an ER doctor, and as a husband who just watched his wife go through all the ups and downs of pregnancy and labor, I know how important access to trusted information is for women who have questions about their bodies as they go through life. Dr. Nita is the perfect resource to help women better understand their ‘womanhood,’ and she has done a great job in this book of being a friendly yet professional resource for anyone who has questions that maybe they’ve been too afraid to ask"
Dr. Travis Stork
Emergency Medicine physician and New York Times Bestselling author of The Lose Your Belly Diet
"Dr. Nita’s Crash Course for Women is a great read. This book invites us to ask important questions of ourselves, while delivering much-needed health and medical information in an accessible way. Oh yeah…and Dr. Nita is laugh-out-loud funny. Enjoy!"
Dr. Rosalyn Dischiavo
President of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT)
and author of The Deep Yes: The Lost art of True Receiving
"As a woman of color, a wellness practitioner, and someone who has struggled with severe hormonal disruption (large fibroids, endometriosis, dysmenorrhea), I appreciate the expert perspective from another woman of color. Each chapter of Dr. Nita’s Crash Course for Women has great takeaways that are easy to understand and implement. But most importantly, the reader will feel empowered with the tools they need to navigate their health journey."
Jovanka Ciares
Herbalist, wellness expert, and author of Reclaiming Wellness
"Inspires women to celebrate their womanhood, teaches them to embrace their sexuality, and encourages them to take control of their health. I have no doubt that this witty, informative book will educate and uplift women around the world. It is a must-read!"
Dr. Andrew Ordon
Plastic surgeon and host of The Doctors
"Highly witty and readable yet comprehensive, Dr. Nita’s book allows every vulva owner to take charge of their sexual health and empowers them to ask informed questions about their bodies at their gynecology appointments. I highly recommend keeping Dr. Nita’s Crash Course for Women on your bookshelf and never using Dr. Google again."
Dr. Paria Hassouri
Pediatrician and transgender healthcare provider (third line) and author of Found in Transition: A Mother’s Evolution during her child’s Gender Change
"This is the ultimate guide to women’s health, with practical information, poignant stories, and answers to all the questions we may not be brave enough to ask but need the answers to. Thank you, Dr. Nita, for this warm and informative guide to health and living better."
Dr. Saloni Sharma
Physician and author of The Pain Solution
"Dr. Nita is an incredible doctor, educator, and human being. She works tirelessly at providing scientific information to the public in a pragmatic and digestible way and empowers people to take action and improve their health and wellness. Her empathic, personable, and engaging speaking style is second to none, and people all over the world have been transformed by Dr. Nita’s work."
Dr. Judy Ho
Clinical and forensic neuropsychologist and author of Stop Self-Sabotage